Tuesday, June 18, 2019


My literature professor said, "Everything's a text."
The Freudian psychologist thought everything was sex.
A physicist materialist insisted, "All is matter."
Do bakers think all that exists is rising in a batter?

Good Shakespeare wrote, "The world's a stage" -
A playwright and an actor.
He too was subject to this rage -
This occupational hazard,

That makes computer programmers say,
"All is Code!" instead,
while idealist philosophers think "All"
is in their head.

I might hear out a plumber who suggested, "Its all water."
I understand a mother whose whole world's her lovely daughter.
To hear a saner view of things, I found her four year old.
She sleeps and plays and eats and sings, "The whole world's made of gold!"

(In our age of specialization, single vision and limited scope get in the way of seeing the whole in a healthy way.)

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