Thursday, September 8, 2011

Democrats and Republicans

Democrats and Republicans

Establishment Republicans promote a corporatist agenda which disrupts democracy through allowing corporations to purchase the government. The result is a combination of corporate and government power that is contrary to a free and unregulated market. 

Establishment Democrats promote a consolidated government agenda which disrupts democracy through suggesting that government should direct corporate agendas. The result is a combination of corporate and government power that is contrary to a free and unregulated market.

Republicans complain that the Democrats are Socialists who want government to direct everything centrally.  They rightly perceive this as a violation of free market principles.  What they fail to see is that allowing corporate power to purchase kickbacks, loopholes, corporate welfare, and other forms of unfair competition also violate free market principles.  If they stuck to their free market principles and accused corporations of this corruption they wouldn't look so heartless to Democrats who generally have a more sentimental heart for the poor.

Democrats complain that the Republicans are Corporatists who want corporations to rule the world.  They rightly perceive this as a violation of human rights and a promotion of policies that harm the poor and create an immense disparity between the wealthy and the poor.  What they fail to see is that governmental influences in the market, just like corporate influences on the market, lead to violations of free market principles which would actually help the poor and level the playing field MORE than their governmental regulation of markets.  If they examined the economic realities involved, their sentimental defense of the poor would require them to abandon governmental programs and lead them instead to support the free market.  They could do this while still fighting against corporate invasion of the market and still rightly call corporatist policies "greedy and harmful".

The objections to the above generally come in the following phraseology:  "the free market will have a large segment of society 'falling through the cracks' and without government programs those people will be abandoned." 

The answer to this well-intentioned objection is that voluntary charity would be offered by many to assist these people and that the number of poor will be diminished almost to nothing as the market approaches an ideal, unregulated, free market.  Unemployment will be almost nonexistent.  The disparity between rich and poor will diminish, though it will admittedly remain.  This is actually better for everyone because the productivity of free market capitalism is the only system able to lead to healthy and sustainable production levels.

To sum up then...

Promoting the free market is rational and positive.  Corporatism claims to promote the free market while greedily violating free market principles.  This must end.  Democrats and other independents see this greedy interaction and rightly object.  Their heart is in the right place, but their suggestions to correct things are misguided.  You don't fix the greed through socialistic regulation of the market.  You fix it by sticking true to free market principles which would prevent the greed of corporatism. 

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