Friday, March 9, 2012


Clerihews are short poems of four lines, usually describing a famous person. G.K Chesterton and Hillaire Belloc contributed their share of these and popularized them. Thus, I begin with them.

G. K. Chesterton
The paradoxic ton.
He'd twist all nonsense right side out
Until its Truth could walk about.

His name- Hillaire Belloc
A gent of that recent epoch
When essayists wrote children's verse,
Yet the Servile State continued worse.

One way in which I grew is
By reading C. S. Lewis
And wondering as he made me see
The reasons Aslan died for me.

Charles Dickens
Only sickens
Empty-hearted, greedy geezers
In need of Eves like Ebenezer's.

A sailor, Captain Ahab,
Madly obsessed, he may have
Cried a tear in The Symphony
To lessen Melville's agony.

Homer J. Simpson
A jaundiced depiction
Of how so much male adolescence remains
In a land which the art of true manhood disdains.

Christopher Hitchens
A man on a mission
Of showing that God is not great
Thus denying the Truth out of hate

G. B. Shaw,
Thy great flaw,
Born of good intention,
Must surely be forgiven.

Charlie Rose,
The man who knows
Why Arthur's fable
Had a round table.

Martin Luther King
How his voice did ring
O'er hamlet and hill
Blessed dream to fulfill

Silly Dr. Seuss
Had the zaniest muse
Who perhaps was a Who!
Have you heard them too?